*SLAYER/スレイヤー [#pa5dc0c7]
**概要 [#r3082a13]
Slayer Bardin is a melee whirlwind of carnage. A true specialist in close quarters slaughter, the Slayer Oath prohibits Bardin from using any ranged weaponry.


Bardin has been carrying a heavy burden in his heart, and after joining the band of heroes who saved Ubersreik, he finally allowed himself some time for brooding and introspection. A life changing, or rather life ending, decision was made. Bardin became a Slayer, a warrior that seeks nothing but an honorable and glorious death that shall expunge the shame.



**パッシブアビリティ [#l282f283]
***Trophy Hunter [#zc7361b9]
#ref(TrophyHunter2.png,left,Trophy Hunter)
-Path of Carnage

**キャリアスキル [#xc54d7aa]
***Leap [#k3295078]
-クールダウン - 0:30

**タレントツリー [#aeca609e]
|5|CENTER:~Stoutefellow|CENTER:~Hack and Slash|CENTER:~See it Coming|
|10|CENTER:~Oblivious to Pain|CENTER:~Stunty Saviour|CENTER:~Crippling Wounds|
|15|CENTER:~Unstoppable!|CENTER:~Moving Target|CENTER:~Adrenaline Surge|
|20|CENTER:~Just Drunk Enough|CENTER:~Grudge-Borne|CENTER:~Grimnir's Champion|
|25|CENTER:~Crunch!|CENTER:~Unstoppable|CENTER:~No Escape|

**コメント [#b7540708]