• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。

*基本情報 [#sba2ce8d]

|''体力''|200 (+60/レベル)|
|''自然回復''|1.0/秒 (+0.2/レベル)|
|''ダメージ''|11 (+2.2/レベル)|
|''速度''|7 m/s|

|~|~&attachref(RebarPuncher.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#eecc33){''Rebar Puncher''};|0s|1|
|~|~&attachref(ScrapLauncher.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#eecc33){''Scrap Launcher''};|1.5s|1|
|~|~|>|>|近くの敵を切り刻み&color(#ffcc00){''1000%/秒''};のダメージを与える。&br;・1ヒット&color(#ffcc00){''100%''};のダメージ&br;・使用しながらスプリント、Transport Modeを使用できる&br;・攻撃速度はヒット間隔に影響する&br;・ヒット時、前方向へ加速する。攻撃速度が高すぎるとその影響で前に吹っ飛ぶ|
|2|~&attachref(blastcanister.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#eecc33){''Blast Canister''};|6s|1+0.3x5|
|U|~&attachref(transportmode.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#eecc33){''Transport Mode''};|6s|1|
|~|~&attachref(Power_Mode.png,nolink);|~&color(#eecc33){''Power Mode''};|5s|なし|


*キャラクターチャレンジ [#challenge]
|MUL-T: Gotcha!|Imp Overloadに[[Preon Accumulator]]で止めを刺す|Power-Saw|
|MUL-T: Pest Control|2体のBeetle Queenをテレポーターゾーンから出ないで倒す|Scrap Launcher|
|MUL-T: Seventh Day|ステージ7以降に[[Void Fields]]をクリアする|Power Mode|
|MUL-T: Mastery|難易度MonsoonをObeliskクリア|Janitorスキン|
-MUL-T: Gotcha!は日本語版に誤植あり。「コマンドーとして」とあるが原文は「As MUL-T」でありMUL-Tでプレイする必要がある

*スキン [#skin]

*性能 [#h8e6f78c]
Retoolで切り替えれるRebar Puncherは所謂レールガンのようなもので、こちらは高精度で遠距離まで届くため小型の敵やウィスプ系などを相手にする際に有効となる。

Blast Canisterでスタンを取ることもできるので、Blast Canisterでスタンを取って近距離からAuto-Nailgunを撃ち込むのが基本戦術になる。

強力な武器であるAuto-Nailgunを強化するために、定番の火力アイテム[[Soldier's Syringe]]や[[Sticky Bomb]]、あとは生存力の底上げにヒットで体力が回復する[[Leeching Seed]]を集めるのがおすすめ。
[[Crowbar]]を1本持っておくとRebar Puncher一発で小型の敵を倒しやすくなる
CDなしの武器が強めでCDになるスキルが2つしかない分[[Alien Head]]は他キャラと比べて恩恵が低めになっている。
Auto-Nailgunは近距離でないと当たらないが連射速度が非常に高く、定番の[[Soldier's Syringe]]を筆頭に攻撃速度を高めるアイテムの恩恵が大きい。ヒットごとにスタン抽選をする[[Sticky Bomb]]があるとエリートモンスターを完封できる。あとは生存力の底上げにヒットごとに体力が回復する[[Leeching Seed]]や[[Harvester's Scythe]]で体力を維持するのがおすすめ。

Rebar Puncherは所謂レールガンのようなもので、こちらは高精度で遠距離まで届くため小型の敵や空中にいるウィスプ系などを相手にする際に有効となる。[[Crowbar]]を1本持っておくとRebar Puncher一発で小型の敵を倒しやすくなる。
Rebar Puncherを2つ装備した場合は攻撃ディレイが独立しているので、攻撃ボタンとRetoolボタンの両方を同時に長押しすることで低い攻撃速度でもRebar Puncherをより連射できる。最終的な攻撃速度が約360%を超えると武装切り替え連射するより1つで連射したほうが速くなる。

Scrap Launcherは4発のうち最初の1発を発射した時点でクールダウンが始まる。この主武装は攻撃速度ではなくスキルクールダウンに依存している部分が大きいため、メインウェポンとして使用していく場合は他の主武装と違ったビルド構築が求められる。[[Purity]]があるとクールダウンが0.5秒となり、使い勝手が大きく変わる。

丸ノコの歯に当たった敵を正面に吸い寄せる効果があり、自分より重量の重いボスモンスターなどが相手だと張り付いて攻撃が可能。ボタン長押しで発動しボタンを離したときに終了する所謂チャネリングスキルなので、自身ユーティリティスキルのTransport Mode中や装備品の[[Volcanic Egg]]中でも発動し続けることができる唯一の攻撃となっている。(これはバグではなく仕様らしい)

Blast Canisterでスタンを確実に取れるので、Blast Canisterでスタンを取って近距離からAuto-NailgunやPower-Sawを撃ち込むのが基本スタイルになる。Power Modeを解いた際にBlast Canisterが即補充されるというギミックもある。

Retoolは主武装の切り替えを行うスペシャルスキル。装備品を2つ採用できるので地味ながらとても強いと評価されている。[[Essence of Heresy]]を取得してしまうと切り替えができなくなるので注意。

Power Modeは移動力を犠牲に2つの主武装を同時に使えるというトリガーハッピーできるスペシャルスキル。効果中は1つ目の主武装の弾拡散率を参照するため、1つ目に拡散率の最も低いPower-Saw(次点でRebar Puncher)を持ち2つ目にAuto-Nailgunを持つと、Auto-Nailgunの弾がばらけなくなる。
表示では移動速度-60%となっているが、実際には50%スローがかかるだけなので最終的な移動速度を-33%する効果となる。走ると効果が切れてしまうので歩きの移動速度が重要で、[[Energy Drink]]よりは[[Paul's Goat Hoof]]を優先して採用したい。アーマーが+100されるので基礎アーマー12を含め112(約53%ダメージカット)となる。

*Logbook Entry [#hf25f525]
"OK. Everything checks out. You're free to go, pal."

The robot chirped in acknowledgement. It folded neatly unto itself and began rolling down the hangar's exit lane - at a very safe pace.

Hiroshi pulled a switch. The ceiling rail sprung to life, with a distinct mechanical chatter.

"So, what's wrong with this one?" Rico enquired with minimal interest, seemingly distracted by the novel he had buried himself in.

"Looks like cosmetic damage on a MUL-T unit. Got dinged up by another unit in the charging bay that malfunctioned after another power surge. We'll be checking that one out after this. You can thank the electrical crew for that." Hiroshi remarked, either completely disinterested in Rico's disinterest.

"Great. How hard is it for them to just keep things stable? They have robots doing 90% of their job anyway." Rico scoffed.

"We've got complaints on this unit about poor welding jobs, which might've been the cause. Optical calibration is probably off, so we'll also be taking a look at that while it's here. I'd still put money on it being electrical not keeping up with maintenance. Hey, Rico! Would you put that down and help me out?"

The rail brought a bright yellow robot, slumbering, into the hangar. Hiroshi flipped the switch and the rail slowed to a halt, bringing with it silence. He began moving to unhook the robot. Reluctantly, Rico set his book on the work desk and started to help unload. In a few minutes the robot was on the service platform.

Hiroshi walked over to one of the tool cabinets and pulled out a strange device. He popped open the access panel to the unit's dented head, and began probing at the damage from the opposite side. In no time at all, the tool beeped and kicked back violently. The dent was gone.

"Go put this away while I fix the optics," Hiroshi said, one arm stretched behind his back, device in hand. "I have something I want to show you in a sec."

Rico grunted and took the de-denting tool back to the cabinet. Hiroshi was already soldering away with the iron from his pocket.

This caught Rico's interest. 

"You don't need a soldering iron to fix the calibration. What are you doing?" he asked.

"I already fixed the optics. Remember when I said I wanted to show you something cool - the next time we got a MUL-T in the shop? Come here." said Hiroshi, gesturing. "You see these two chips? It’s actually just one chip that's been split. MUL-T’s come with the same cores as those fancy chef bots, but they cut off access to the main learning module."

"You don't say," Rico responded, still trying to see the chip Hiroshi was talking about. "Why'd they do something like that?"

"It's cheaper to just make all the cores the same way at the factory and alter them later. The manufacturer says it's for safety, but they just use it to sell you the new cores every few years instead of letting you just teach the units to do a new job." Hiroshi explained.

"Sounds about right. If it were a safety issue, why don't they do the same thing with the chef bots? They've been super stable. Can't say they've even ever got an order wrong, even if it's totally out there. They even managed to get Ma's Squid Risotto right."

"It's what they can get away with. Anyway, that should do it. We'll just sneak a few minutes with this guy. Wake up," he commanded.

The robot's relaxed posture disappeared, and it stood fully alert.

"Hey pal, you see this thing I'm doing with my hand? Can you do that?"

The robot mimicked a rude gesture.

"That's fantastic! You're doing great!" Hiroshi was excited, and Rico got a devilish grin. He rushed off to his desk. Hiroshi continued repeating the gesture, and the robot continued mimicking it back with its single functional hand. Rico stepped back into the robot's view, with a picture covered in holes. "Can you remember this man? This is Ron from corporate, and he's a total degenerate."

The robot beeped in affirmation.

"Can you do that next time you see this man?"

The robot beeped in affirmation again.

"Rico! He's gonna remember that! MUL-T, forget that."

The robot did not respond.

"What are you two up to now?" said a grating voice, clearly approaching from no discernable direction. In a panic, Hiroshi slapped the access panel on the unit's head closed and covered its optical sensor.

"Just fixing up robots! Doing our job! In fact, we just finished with this one. You're good to go, pal!" Hiroshi exclaimed to Ron, slapping the robot on the back. The machine folded up neatly into itself and began rolling down the hangar's exit lane.

"I see. I'd better not catch you two slacking again." Ron said sternly, before turning around and making his usual relieving exit – most likely to pester other workers on his route.

They both let out a sigh of relief. Rico stood up. "Well, we're due at the site in about… 13 hours. That's enough time to grab that MUL-T, pop it back open, and reset it."

Hiroshi also stood up. “Yeah, I’m not too worried. How much trouble could it cause in 13 hours?”
*コメント [#vae79fa8]