• 追加された行はこの色です。
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*BATTLE WIZARD [#qea04e11]
**概要 [#t287a376]
#ref(Battle_Wizard.png,left,60%,BATTLE WIZARD)
#ref(Sienna_Battle_Wizard.png,center,BATTLE WIZARD)
As a Battle Wizard, Sienna unleashes powerful area of effect spells, immolating large numbers of enemies, turning onrushing hordes into smouldering piles of ash.

In order to find peace, Sienna had to temper her addiction. Her flame-lust will always be there, but she now dims it through more structured and organized means. She chose a touch of military discipline to deal with what she ultimately is – an addict.

**スキル [#eff769b4]
**装備 [#c72e7787]

**コメント [#m7d294ab]