*Rag Stripes [#d4a644bc]
**概要 [#t82fb2ae]
|~重量|0.1 kg|
|~説明文|Stripes made of cloth, can be tied up to make a rope.|

[[Improvised Rope>素材/Improvised Rope]]などのクラフト素材になるほか、"Patch Wounds"で出血を回復することも可能

**入手方法 [#b5ee74bc]
- 一部の衣服を"Cut Into Rags"または"Cut Into Rag Stripes"する
- [[Rags>素材/Rags]]を"Cut Into Rag Stripes"する
- 建物内で"Search"する

**使用先 [#q43976c5]
- [[Fire ring>アイテム/Fire ring]]
- [[Improvised Rope>素材/Improvised Rope]]
- [[Improvised Fireplace>アイテム/Improvised Fireplace]]
- [[Bundle Of Rags>素材/Bundle Of Rags]]
- [[Bundle Of Rag Stripes>素材/Bundle Of Rag Stripes]]
- [[Bundle Of Rags>アイテム/Bundle Of Rags]]
- [[Bundle Of Rag Stripes>アイテム/Bundle Of Rag Stripes]]

**コメント [#c5e5af01]