*Baton [#d58348a0]
**概要 [#u88e52bd]
|~重量|0.8 kg|
|~説明文|A baton or truncheon is a roughly cylindrical club made of wood, rubber, plastic or metal. It is carried as a compliance tool and defensive weapon[1] by law-enforcement officers, correctional staff, security guards and military personnel. in my cultures, they are highly symbolic of law enforcement and are rarely used with the intention to kill.|


**入手方法 [#i351a23f]
- 建物内で"Search"する

**使用先 [#jebefc43]
- [[Improvised Magnifying Glass>素材/Improvised Magnifying Glass]]
- [[Lead Plate>素材/Lead Plate]]

**コメント [#kf175102]