// :RenameLog (rename plugin)
*2022-01-07 (金) 11:39:17 [#n06830ce]
--From:[[Ready or Not 日本語攻略 Wiki]]

-Ready or Not 日本語攻略 Wiki→トップページ
-Ready or Not 日本語攻略 Wiki→トップページ
-Comments/Ready or Not 日本語攻略 Wiki→Comments/トップページ
*2022-01-07 (金) 11:40:34 [#uf272917]
*2022-01-10 (月) 16:38:57 [#k6c906e8]
*2022-01-11 (火) 17:54:29 [#i17f3f89]
*2022-01-31 (月) 00:27:54 [#b8f240d8]
*2023-02-11 (土) 21:06:41 [#m44a4c99]
*2023-11-01 (水) 04:09:20 [#t8ab0339]
--From:[[Valley of the Dolls]]
--To:[[Voll Health House]]
-Valley of the Dolls→Voll Health House
*2024-10-31 (木) 16:55:48 [#he936f96]
--From:[[4U Gas Station]]
--To:[[Thank You, Come Again]]
-4U Gas Station→Thank You, Come Again
-コメント/4U Gas Station→コメント/Thank You, Come Again
*2024-10-31 (木) 16:57:23 [#odf90cc6]
--From:[[San Uriel Condominiums]]
--To:[[23 Megabytes a Second]]
-San Uriel Condominiums→23 Megabytes a Second
*2024-10-31 (木) 17:00:12 [#y04bcbb4]
--From:[[213 Park Homes]]
--To:[[Twisted Nerve]]
-213 Park Homes→Twisted Nerve
*2024-10-31 (木) 17:01:22 [#ya28dfb8]
--From:[[Brisa Cove]]
--To:[[Ides of March]]
-Brisa Cove→Ides of March
*2024-10-31 (木) 17:02:28 [#rc29190b]
--From:[[Voll Health House]]
--To:[[Valley of the Dolls]]
-Voll Health House→Valley of the Dolls
-コメント/Voll Health House→コメント/Valley of the Dolls
*2024-10-31 (木) 17:03:25 [#y3a2d21e]
--From:[[Port Hokan]]
--To:[[Hide And Seek]]
-Port Hokan→Hide And Seek
-コメント/Port Hokan→コメント/Hide And Seek
*2024-12-20 (金) 17:36:45 [#j2cb13b2]