
1 folder. 5 files.

>>File 1/5

Private encryption//SMC mail server
From: Dean Lockwood
To: Janson Davies
Date: January 25th 2028
Subject: Tying up loose ends 題名:例の件は完了予定 

Mr Davies,

Everything has been arranged. I have personally vetted the security detailed assigned to him. He will be taken directly from the London office to the City airport. I have also stationed people at his residence to report in should he get suspicious. Our connection at the Venezuelan embassy will handle disposing of entry records and visa paperwork. He will be taken directly from the airport to a Valencia safehouse, where they will take his passport and make sure he is tagged with a no-fly marker to make sure he doesn't find a way out.

We expect the city to come under rebel control in the next few weeks. We will need to ensure safe passage for some of our friends to make sure everything goes according to plan. With the rebels closing in I'd like to make those arrangements now. Please let me know if you see any issue with that.

I heard about the promotion. Well deserved. Let me know if you need anything else.

Dean Lockwood.

>>File 2/5. Key mismatch.

>>File 3/5. Key mismatch.

>>File 4/5

Private encryption//SMC mail server
From: Janson Davies
To: Dean Lockwood
Date: December 19th 2027
Subject: Loose ends 題名:例の問題について


I believe Valencia would be a perfect location for him. Make the arrangements.

Janson Davies

>>File 5/5. Key mismatch.


*備考 [#n51f38ce]
- Alt://Rundown5.0 A1で読むことができるBishop関連のテキストログ。Bishopの名前は出てこないが、彼のレギオン収監後のIDはGO-1395であることから彼の関連とわかる。
- Bishopをレギオンに収監する計画のやり取りが行われたメールの記録である。日付は2027年末から2028年なので、Garganta建設などの主要な時系列イベントの20数年前になる。
- Dean LockwoodはInsight計画の運営責任者であり、Garganta/the Complexの建設責任者でもあった。個人IDはA074。Janson DaviesはSatonianの親会社Dreyfusの最高技術責任者である。