

*2020/04/24 ホットフィックス [#pb22e19b]

*2020/04/09 ホットフィックス [#pb22e19b]

*2020/04/02 ホットフィックス [#hbbb3268]

*2020/03/31 パッチ [#i94f9ed0]
New Features:
10 new expeditions
New warden objectives
New subcomplex: Dig site
Updated all weapon sounds
New reload animations
New on-screen liquid-system
Warden Community Challenge
New enemy variations
New surprises in-game that will most likely kill you
New Gear & Consumables:
Burst Rifle
Machine Pistol
Updated Machine Gun
New resource pack - Disinfection Pack
New consumable - Lock Melter
Updated model on all resource packs
Bug Fixes:
Fix for Sentry Gun being able to be placed in a door.
Fix for players being able to enter a ladder through a thin wall.
Added a check so that you cannot stand up when crouching under something.
Enemies will no longer just walk after their head explodes.
Fix for melee weapons being able to hit things behind the camera.
Fix for not getting expedition completions correctly.
Fix for Noise-system. Mines & Sentry Gun amongst other things now generate noise.
Fix for music queues at end screens not playing as they should.
Fix for HUD-elements getting stuck on screen when restarting.
Fixed a bug where enemies would wake up instantly after opening a door and shining your flashlight.
Fixed a bug where you could have a resource pack left on you with 0% left in it.
Fixed a bug where you couldn't see any lights in the elevator going down.
Fixed a bug where the shotguns didn't have any tracers in multiplayer.
Added separate settings for scaling mouse speed when aiming.
Clamped mouse and gamepad look speeds to never go below 10%.
Fix for dialog system not working if you play more than one time without restarting the game.
Enemy pathfinding optimization.
Fix for recoil related issues.
Performance tweaks & optimization.
And many more...
Weapon tweaks & balancing:
Pistol: Slightly decreased range
SMG: Tweaked recoil behavior and visuals
Assault Rifle: Slightly tweaked recoil behavior and visuals
DMR: Slightly increased ammo capacity, increased fire rate, reduced recoil and time to aim
Shotgun: Increased ammo capacity, increased fire rate, reduced recoil
Revolver: Slightly increased ammo capacity, slight increase in damage, updated recoil visuals
Machine Gun: Given a full redesign, increasing its rate of fire and magazine capacity significantly
Sniper Rifle:Increased ammo capacity, greatly increased damage, reduced recoil
C-Foam Launcher: Increased efficiency
Mine Deployer: Inceased base tripmine amount
Bio Tracker: Increased number of enemies that can be tagged at one time
*2019/12/19 パッチ [#k8b108dd]

*2019/12/03 BETAテスト [#m3dba55d]
-新たなサブコンプレックス: "Refinery"
-新たな武器: "Combat Shotgun"
-新たなツール: "Shotgun Sentry"
-一部のシステムで"Exclusive Fullscreen"がよりパフォーマンスを発揮できるよう修正
*コメント [#ja1d3397]