
*基本情報 [#cb814a64]

|''体力''|440 (+132/レベル)|
|''自然回復''|-6.0/秒 (-1.2/レベル)|
|''ダメージ''|18 (+3.6/レベル)|
|''速度''|8 m/s|


|P||~&color(#00cc00){''Triple Jump(仮称)''};|>|>|
|~|~|>|>|いかめしい返事をわめく。&br;・Heretic固有のデフォルトスキル。全てのスキルスロットに設定されており、使用すると鳴き声を発するが特に効果は無い&br;・基本的には異端系アイテムによって全てのスキルが上書きされているため、Shrine of OrderまたはCleansing Poolを利用して異端系アイテムを取り除くことで使用することが可能になる|
|1|~&attachref(Visions of Heresy/Hungering_Gaze.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#00cc00){''Hungering Gaze''};|2s|0.1(接触)&br;1(爆発)|
|2|~&attachref(Hooks of Heresy/Slicing_Maelstrom.png,nolink);|~&color(#00cc00){''Slicing Maelstrom''};|5s|0.2(渦)&br;1(爆発)|
|U|~&attachref(Strides of Heresy/Shadowfade.jpg,nolink);|~&color(#00cc00){''Shadowfade''};|6s|なし|
|S|~&attachref(Essence of Heresy/Ruin.png,nolink);|~&color(#00cc00){''Ruin''};|8s|1|


*性能 [#vd37ff61]

2021年3月25日のANNIVERSARY UPDATEで実装されたキャラクター。

このキャラクターはキャラクター選択画面で選択することはできず、ルナアイテムである[[Visions of Heresy]]・[[Hooks of Heresy]]・[[Essence of Heresy]]・[[Strides of Heresy]]の4つ全てを取得するとキャラクターがエフェクトに包まれてHereticへと変身し、その周回中のみ使用することができる。

体力減少は[[Cautious Slug]]・[[Titanic Knurl]]・[[Irradiant Pearl]]・[[Gnarled Woodsprite]]といったアイテムで相殺することが可能になるので優先的に確保していこう。ただし[[Spinel Tonic]]は使用すると負の係数のまま回復量が4倍になるので使用は厳禁。[[Transcendence]]や[[Shared Design]]は所持していると自然回復が停止するため自然死しなくなる。

Shrine of OrderやCleansing Poolを利用することで異端系アイテムを処分すると、デフォルトスキルのNevermoreを使用可能になる。効果の無いスキルなので処分する意味は無いが、Shrine of OrderやCleansing Poolをうっかり使用してしまうと致命的な自体に陥る可能性が出てくるため注意したい。


Hereticのままゲームを進行すると[[Mithrix]]戦でMithrixが専用の台詞を発するようになる。更にHereticで[[Halcyon Seed]]を所持した状態の専用台詞も存在する。
*Logbook Entry [#uba766aa]
A blue flash appeared in one of the storage bays of the Contact Light. The chaos ensuing on the ship was a perfect distraction.

As soon as Kur-skan stepped out the portal she ducked into a sprint. She had no time. She weaved between gunfire and fireballs, between blasts of Vagrant energy and on-board security systems. They paid no mind to the feathered figure as she darted through closing blast doors.

She flew quickly down the halls of the ship. Despite it being her first time onboard a human vessel, she could sense the electromagnets in the walls – and where they all joined. She corked right, shooting into the ventilation shafts with a bang.

The captain barely had a chance to see her before she blasted sideways out into the control room. She tore out two windblades as he reached for his pistol. The captain fell to the ground in intervals. 

Her momentum crashed her into the control panels, both feet digging deep into monitors. She didn’t need those. Nimble, clawed fingers began ripping across keypads. She quickly split and rewired components, reaching into her feathered pouches for more bridges and other electronics. Various capacitors fell onto the floor. This ship was big, but not complex – and more importantly, it could still fly. But she had to go fast, or he –

And before she could finish her thought, he appeared in a flash of thunder. Blue and green light reflected off of his sword, cascading around the bridge. A cape fluttered, and Providence landed lightly on his feet.

Kur-skan bent her head backwards over her body, hands still tearing at panels. He was much faster than she expected. But maybe he would – 

Her last thoughts were interrupted instantly by a crystalline blade.

*コメント [#b680caa9]