• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。

*概要 [#q02963a4]
|[[The Pan]]|




*エリア [#s79ac450]

+The Verdant Strand
+Pan Flautist
+Scalding Glade
+Stuck Merchant
+Founder's Prison
+The Verdant Strand(孤立した緑園)
+Pan Flautist(パンのフルート奏者)
+Scalding Glade(戦士の街道)
+Stuck Merchant(貯め込んだ商人)
+Founder's Prison(ファウンダーの監獄)
*ダンジョン [#g4690f8d]


|Shrine of The Immortals||Triage|StoryMode限定|
|Widow's Vestry|The Doe Shrine|Scavenger's Bauble||
|Temple of The Ravager (ラヴェジャーの神殿)&br;~ Martyr's Sanctuary (殉教者の聖域)|The Ravager Shrine|Elder Set||
|Ahanae's Lament&br;~ The Radiant Tomb|The Risen|Soul Anchor||
|Shrine of The Immortals (不死者の社)||Triage|Campaign Mode限定|
|Widow's Vestry (ウィドウの聖具保管庫)|The Doe Shrine|Scavenger's Bauble||
|Temple of The Ravager (ラヴェジャーの神殿)&br;~ Martyr's Sanctuary (殉教者の聖域)|The Ravager Shrine|Elder Set||
|Ahanae's Lament (アハネイの嘆き)&br;~ The Radiant Tomb (光る墳墓)|The Risen|Soul Anchor||
|Guardian Shrine|Root Horror|Radiant Visage&br;Guardian's Blessing||
|Forgotten Undercroft|Blink Thief|Ricochet Rifle||
|The Halls of Judgement&br;~ The Ring of Trials|The Warden|Song of Swords||
|Widow's Pass&br;~ Noble’s Rest|Onslaught|Blink Token||
|Guardian Shrine (ガーディアンの神殿)|Root Horror|Radiant Visage&br;Guardian's Blessing||
|Forgotten Undercroft(忘れられた地下墓所)|Blink Thief|Ricochet Rifle||
|The Halls of Judgement (審判の間)&br;~ The Ring of Trials (試練の環)|The Warden|Song of Swords||
|Widow's Pass (ウィドウの道)&br;~ Noble’s Rest (貴族の休息所)|Onslaught|Blink Token||
|Heretic's Nest (異端者の集会所)&br;~ Martyr’s Garden (殉教者の庭)|Storm Caller|Stormcaller||
|Withering Village&br;~ Warden’s Pulpit|Scald and Sear|Wildfire Shot||
|Withering Village (枯れ果てた村)&br;~ Warden’s Pulpit (ウォーデンの演壇)|Scald and Sear|Wildfire Shot||
|The Ravager's Haunt|The Ravager|Arcane Strike&br;Curse of the Jungle God&br;Scar of the Jungle God||
|The Tempest Court|Totem Father|Arcane Strike&br;Voice of the Tempest&br;Eye of the Storm||
|The Ravager's Haunt (ラヴェジャーの巣穴)|The Ravager|Arcane Strike&br;Curse of the Jungle God&br;Scar of the Jungle God||
|The Tempest Court (テンペストコート)|Totem Father|Arcane Strike&br;Voice of the Tempest&br;Eye of the Storm||

*NPC [#lb07a88d]

-Founder Ford
-Stuck Merchant

*クリーチャー [#md2baca9]
-The Pan

*ミニボス [#u35c0f52]
-Blink Thief
-The Warden
-Storm Caller
-Scald and Sear
-Root Horror

*ワールドボス [#f29a0f80]
-The Ravager
-Totem Father

*鐘ギミックメモ [#sb8f6d68]
,Pan Flautist,Heart of the Wolf,3-4-5-3-2-1
,Widow's Vestry,Scavenger's Bauble,5-4-3-3-4-1-2-3-2-1
,The Ravager's Haunt,Stalker's Claw,5-1-5-1-2-3-4-1
-The Ravager's Haunt以外は左から1,2,3...

-The Verdant Strand(Yaesha最初のエリア)のクリスタルのすぐ脇にヤギ頭の骨があり、
*コメント [#f373b346]