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*Warhammer: Vermintide 2とは [#kd985e6f]
*Warhammer: Vermintide 2(ウォーハンマーヴァーミンタイド 2)とは [#kd985e6f]

**基本情報 [#d9e010ad]
|タイトル|Warhammer: Vermintide 2|
|ジャンル|アクション, ダークファンタジー,&br;ハックアンドスラッシュ, COOP|

**ゲーム紹介 [#s16fe952]
#ref(about_the_game.png,center,Vermintide 2)

>'''''There can be no victory. The darkness always returns.'''''

>Legends tell that these words were spoken by Sigmar, the first Emperor. Some believe he had a vision of what was to come, but Sigmar uttered truth not prophecy. 

>'''''"The darkness always returns. Always."'''''

>When the Skaven conquered Ubsersreik, the flame of defiance guttered, the Reikland should have been lost. But heroes arose and the Vermintide was repelled. 

>Desperate for revenge the Rat Men struck a pact with the barbarians of the Chaos wastes; the worshippers of the dark gods. 

>Once again the Reikland stands upon the brink. 

>Once again heroes are needed.


Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Opening Cinematic より


>Warhammer:Vermintide 2は、高い評価を得たVermintideの続編です。戦争で破壊されたWarhammer Fantasy Battlesの世界の終わり「最後の時」を背景に、直感的で画期的な近接アクションをフィーチャーした1人称視点の協力ゲームで、凄まじい殺戮の嵐を再び味わうときがやってきました。 



**Steamストアページ [#qed9a8f3]