

*基本情報 [#kc3b749e]

|~SIZE(18):Tougher Times|h


|無効化確率 +15%|


-例1: 3つのTougher Timesを所持している場合
--誤: 15 + 15 + 15 = 45%
--正: (1 - 1 / (0.15 * 3 + 1)) * 100) ≒ 30%


*概要 [#gdae2ae5]



*アイテムログ [#hf25f525]

"Why'd you sign up?"

Wyatt's voice was bored. The mission to the Contact Lilght's last known location was taking longer than he expected.

Malik was on the floor, cleacing her rifle. "To get paid, mostly."

"And that's it?"

She grunted in affirmation. She continued to wipe down the weapon.

"I'm here to find something." He continued. "I shipped it a few years back, but I don't think it made it before the train went down. I'm guessing it's still in the Contact Light. So I'm gonna get it back."

She began to tighten the remaining bolts. Her routine near sompletion, she moved her gaze to Wyatt. "Seriously?"


Malik raised her brow. "There were over 7 million security chests in the Contact Light. The chance of you finding a specific one is impossible." She began to unfold her legs as she propped her rifle in the corner. "And according to the distress beacon, the Contact Light was destroyed in orbit. Your shipment is probably floating around in space. It's all gone, Wyatt."

He grinned. "I think I'm gonna find it."

"You're terrible."






彼女は最後のボルトをきつく締めた。日課ももうじき終わりというところで、彼女はワイアットに視線を向けた。 「本気で言ってるの?」




*使用感・評価 [#s900382f]
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-08 (月) 23:21:34};
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-04 (木) 08:02:09};
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){防御意識するならとりあえず取っておきたい}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-04 (木) 04:59:34};
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){事故死が減るだけでもかなりの神アイテムだと思うけど火力不足が目立つので3つまでぐらいでいいかも}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-03 (水) 18:31:37};
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){敵からの攻撃だけじゃなく、落下ダメージ、火炎DOTダメージ、体力消費祭壇も無効化する神アイテム。でもコモン枠のアイテムって結構重要なアイテムが多いからアンコモンなっていただいて、なおかつスタック毎の計算を+15%だったらより一層使い勝手よくなるんだけどなぁw}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-03 (水) 01:20:51};
#style(border:1px solid silver;padding: 5px;margin-bottom:5px;){{
-&areaedit(){}; -- 名無しのサバイバーさん &new{2019-04-01 (月) 05:11:08};

*コメント [#zd20e110]