• 追加された行はこの色です。
  • 削除された行はこの色です。
*MAYA EVANS[#qa267dce]

//styleプラグイン: だいたい背景画像指定してるだけ
#style(background:url(https://jpngamerswiki.com/OTWD/?plugin=attach&pcmd=open&file=bg-char.jpg&refer=%E3%82%AD%E3%83%A3%E3%83%A9%E3%82%AF%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC) no-repeat bottom center; background-size:cover; display: flex; align-items: center; padding:0 0 0 20px; color:whitesmoke;){{
//Maya is a former surgeon, and no stranger to making life or death decisions. She finds herself pushed beyond what she could ever expect in a Washington D.C. ridden with walkers. Now facing similar decisions but with far grimmer consequences, she’s the group's medic and is just as good at taking lives as she is at saving them.

**トレイラー [#p8d147de]

*キャラクタースキル [#j2b41153]
**トレイラー [#p8d147de]
*キャラクタースキル [#j2b41153]
|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|>|SIZE(25):~M A Y A|
|Mastery||>|[[Med Bag Mastery>#medbagmastery]]||>|||>|>||
|Level 4|~|[[Pain Killer>#painkiller]]|[[Contact High>#contact]]|~|[[Antiseptic>#antiseptic]]|[[Symbiotic>#symbiotic]]|~|[[Submachin Gun Proficiency>#smg]]|[[Revolver Proficiency>#revolver]]|[[Machete Proficiency>#machete]]|
|Level 3|~|[[Immunity Boost 2>#immunity2]]|[[Stat!>#stat]]|~|[[EMS 3>#ems3]]|[[Surgical Focus 3>#surgical3]]|~|~|~|~|
|Level 2|~|[[Steroid Shot>#steroid]]|[[Prescription Strength>#prescription]]|~|[[EMS 2>#ems2]]|[[Surgical Focus 2>#surgical2]]|~|~|~|~|
|Level 1|~|[[Immunity Boost 1>#immunity1]]|[[RX Refill>#rx]]|~|[[EMS 1>#ems1]]|[[Surgical Focus 1>#surgical1]]|~|~|~|~|
||~|>|BGCOLOR(dimgray):''[[MED BAG>#med]]''|~|>|BGCOLOR(dimgray):''[[TRIAGE>#triage]]''|~|>|>|BGCOLOR(dimgray):''[[WEAPON PROFICIENCY>#proficiency]]''|

**シグネチャーアビリティ [#e12dd044]
**シグネチャーアビリテ: MED BAG [#med]
|&chemical;x2 &cloth;x4 &metal;x1|
*** Level 1 [#sa1]
&spoint;: 2

**キャラクターアビリティ [#gb6ab882]
||~Immunity Boost 1|

**コメント [#y4db3d49]
||~RX Refill|

*** Level 2 [#sa2]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 1>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 3

||~Steroid Shot|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Immunity Boost 1 Level 1};&br;追加の回復量が30%増加する|

||~Prescription Strength|
|~|&color(crimson){要: RX Refill Level 1};&br;メディバッグ使用時に追加で体力を50回復する|

*** Level 3 [#sa3]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 2>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 4

||~Immunity Boost 2|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Steroid Shot Level 2};&br;追加の回復量と持続時間が50%増加する|

|~|&color(crimson){要: Prescription Strength Level 2};&br;メディバッグを使用するのにかかる時間が50%減少する|

*** Level 4 [#sa4]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 3>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 6

||~Pain Killer|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Immunity Boost 2 Level 3};&br;メディバッグを使用した味方が受けるダメージが5秒間50%減少する|

||~Contact High|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Stat! Level 3};&br;メディバッグを使用したプレイヤーが50のスタミナとStrengthを得る|

***Mastery [#mastery]
&color(#e07070){要: Pain Killer Level 4 & Contact High Level 4};
&spoint;: 8

||~Med Bag Mastery|

**キャラクターアビリティ: TRIAGE [#triage]

***Level 1 [#sd59f0f3]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 1>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 1

||~EMS 1|

||~Surgical Focus 1|

***Level 2 [#sd59f0f3]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 1>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 2

||~EMS 2|
|~|&color(crimson){要: EMS 1 Level 1};&br;Triageによる蘇生時の追加の体力回復量が25%増加する|

||~Surgical Focus 2|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Surgical Focus 1 Level 1};&br;蘇生速度が30%上昇する|

*** Level 3 [#i66009a9]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 2>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 2

||~EMS 3|
|~|&color(crimson){要: EMS 2 Level 2};&br;Triageによる蘇生時の追加の体力回復量が25%増加する|

||~Surgical Focus 3|
|~|&color(crimson){要: Surgical Focus 2 Level 2};&br;蘇生速度が40%上昇する|

*** Level 4 [#nee5b916]
&color(#e07070){要: [[Clinic Level 3>Camp Upgrades#clinic]]};
&spoint;: 3

|~|&color(crimson){要: EMS 3 Level 3};&br;Mayaが仲間を蘇生した際、10秒間両者が受けるダメージが50%減少する|

|~|&color(crimson){要: Surgical Focus 3 Level 3};&br;Mayaが仲間を蘇生した際、10秒間両者の移動速度が20%上昇する|
**武器熟練度 [#proficiency]

***Submachin Gun Proficiency [#smg]
|>|~Level 1|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- &spoint;: 1|
|>|~Level 2|
|''条件''|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 1>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Submachin Gun Proficiency Level 1&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 3|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 2>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Submachin Gun Proficiency Level 2&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 4|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 3>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Submachin Gun Proficiency Level 3&br;- &spoint;: 3|
***Revolver Proficiency [#revolver]
|>|~Level 1|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- &spoint;: 1|
|>|~Level 2|
|''条件''|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 1>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Revolver Proficiency Level 1&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 3|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 2>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Revolver Proficiency Level 2&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 4|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 3>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Revolver Proficiency Level 3&br;- &spoint;: 3|
***Machete Proficiency [#machete]

|>|~Level 1|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- &spoint;: 1|
|>|~Level 2|
|''条件''|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 1>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Machete Proficiency Level 1&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 3|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 2>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Machete Proficiency Level 2&br;- &spoint;: 2|
|>|~Level 4|
|条件|BGCOLOR(gray):- [[Depot Level 3>Camp Upgrades#depot]]&br;- Machete Proficiency Level 3&br;- &spoint;: 3|
*コメント [#s364fed8]