&tag(Rundown005,TerminalLog, Woods);


採用担当者: あなたは、神が「彼らを殺せ」と命じたと言うのですね?
Recruiter: You say God told you to kill those men?

Woods: 神は我々に何も命じはしない。もし、神が話しかけてくれるのを待っているのなら、あなたはすでに道を見失っているのだ、ブラザー。私が彼らを殺したのだ。
Woods: God doesn't tell us to do anything. If you waiting for him to speak to you, you've already lost brother. I killed them.

採用担当者: どうして?
Recruiter: Why?

Woods: 彼らの旅は無意味だった。だから彼らは道に迷い、混沌をもたらした。混沌は悪魔の力だ。私は秩序をもたらした。あなたには説明したのだが、理解してもらえなかったようだ。
Woods:Their journey had no meaning. Without meaning they were lost and they brought chaos, chaos is the power of the Devil. I brought order. I have explained it to you but I can't make you understand it.

Recruiter: Those marines at Larnica, that wasn't chaos.

Woods: "ため息"

採用担当者: 我々からみれば、彼らではなく、あなたのほうが世界に混沌をもたらしているように思われー
Recruiter: From where we stand it appears you brought chaos into this world, not your victims-

Woods: つまり、あなたはこの世界が神の創造物であり、贈り物であり、私たちの理想郷だと信じているのだな。周りを見るのだ、ブラザー。それは間違っている。ここは神のいない地獄だ。私たちは悪魔の領域にいる。戒律を果たし、悪魔を追い出し、彼の混沌に秩序をもたらすためだ。我々は、皆兵士なのだ。
Woods:You see, you believe that this world is God's creation, that somehow this world is a gift created by God, that this is our Eden. Look around you brother. You could not be more wrong. This godless place, is hell. We are in the Devil's domain, we are here to fulfill our commandment, to drive the Devil out and bring order to his chaos. We are all soldiers.

Recruiter: Soldiers on a crusade?

Woods:十字軍、ジハード、聖戦 - 好きに呼ぶがいい、ブラザー。いずれにしても君の義務だ。
Woods:Crusade, jihad, holy war - call it what you want brother. It is your duty.

採用担当者:ふむ。 "深呼吸" そして、あの海兵達は敵だった、と。
Recruiter: Hmm. "deep breath" And those marines, I suppose they were the enemy.

Woods:Yes, I spoke to them, each and every one when they arrived in Larnica. These men reveled in the chaos. I reminded them to their oath to the lord, but they could not hear me.

採用担当者:"ため息" 彼らは・・・何かをしたわけではなかったと?
Recruiter: "breath" Did they, didn't do nothing?

Woods: 彼らは神を冒涜した!道を見失い、改心の望みはなかった!地獄を生み出す不敬な奴隷だ。やつらは神をもおそれず、戒めを忘れ、悪魔を育てるのだ!なぜあなたはやつらを殺しに行かなかったのだ?
Woods:They offended GOD! I found them to be lost and without hope! The godless, on the slaves, on which upon hell is built. The godless have forgotten the commandment, the godless FEED the Devil! The question is, why weren't you there to kill them?

採用担当者: "ため息" なるほど。あー、あなたのトルコでの"奇跡の脱出"について聞きたいのですが。
Recruiter: "sigh" Alright, I guess, let's talk about Turkey, your "miracle mile" as it was called.

Woods: あれは奇跡ではない、メッセージだ。愚か者だけが無視する明確で直接的なメッセージだ。
Woods: That was no miracle, it was a message. A clear and direct message that only a fool would not hear.

Recruiter: From God?-

Woods: 私はエルズルム市が反乱軍に陥落したときに死んでいたはずだ!敵地を26日かけて隠れ進む間に死んでいたはずだ!非武装地帯で死んでいたはずなのに、スナイパーは何度も私を打ち損じた!地雷原を横切るときに死んでいたはずなのに、私はここにいる。これはメッセージであり、私は混沌の中で神よって導かれたのだ!私はもはや悪魔の奴隷ではない。信仰に背いた者たちが悪魔に与するのを黙って見逃したりはしない!私は神に与えられた義務を果たさなければならないのだ!
I should've died when Erzurum fell to the rebels! I should've died sneaking through enemy territory for 26 days! I should've died in the DMZ, yet somehow the snipers missed me time and time again! I should've died crossing the minefield but somehow, here I still am. That brother is a message, he led me through the chaos so I could be at his hand! I will no longer be the Devil's slave, I will no longer watch silently as he feeds on the lost! I am compelled to do the duty as he commanded!

採用担当者: その義務は、あなたの死刑で終わることになりそうですがー
Recruiter:Well, this duty may end with you going to the chair,

Woods: "素早いため息" 知ってのとおり、死は祝福だ。しかし、君は私を殺せない。神はそれを望んでいない。私を解放するのだ、ブラザー。
Woods: "quick sigh" Death would be a blessing but as you can see, you cannot kill me. It is not in His plan. Release me brother.

採用担当者: "深いため息"  Woods、それはできません。知っての通りー
Recruiter: "deep breath and sigh" I can't do that Woods. You know I can't

Woods:  解放するのだ。
Woods: Release me.

採用担当者: あなたには別のところに異動してもらう予定です。助けが得られるように。
Recruiter: Well, we are going to send you somewhere, to get some help.

Woods: 助けは必要ない。
Woods:I do not need help.

Recruiter: It's a new program woods, designed for people just like you.

Woods: "素早いため息" 君は私を殺せないのだ、ブラザー。神が望んでいないのだから。
Woods: "quick sigh" I will not die by your hand brother. That is not His plan.

採用担当者: さあ、どうでしょうね、Woods。
Recruiter: We'll see Woods, we'll see.


